Friday, October 5, 2012

This Guy is a Reds Fan for Sure

Today there is a contest at Porter's school
to show their Reds spirit.
I don't know if you watch baseball,
or if you are a Reds fan but
this guy sure is.

He came up with his ensemble all by himself.
Baseball pants, helmet, ball cap, 2 jerseys, wrist bands and red hair.
He even took a Reds backpack and an extra jersey for any friend who doesn't have one.
He also informed me late last night that it would be so great if he had red hairspray.
Off to Walmart we went.
He is a serious fan,
and I also hear there may be a prize involved.
Stay tuned.
Are you rooting for the Reds?
Show your pride and come over for some red hairspray!


Nicole R. said...
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Unknown said...

Hey I wanted to e-mail you after bloggy con but I didn't have your contact info.... write me at so we can connect. I want to hear how the blog name search is going for my international blog matchmaker :)

Tricia @ Take 10 With Tricia said...

Did he win??